Georges Seurat - Port-en-Bessin, the Semaphore and Cliffs 1888

Harbour at Port-en-Bessin at High Tide 1888 Port-en-Bessin Entrance to the Harbor 1888 Port-en-Bessin, The Outer Harbor, Low Tide 1888 Port-en-Bessin, the Semaphore and Cliffs 1888 Study for 'Invitation to the Sideshow' 1888 Sunday at Port-en-Bessin 1888 The Channel at Gravelines, Grand Fort-Philippe 1888
Port-en-Bessin, the Semaphore and Cliffs 1888

Port-en-Bessin, the Semaphore and Cliffs 1888
61x80cm oil/canvas
National Gallery of Art, Washingon, DC, USA

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