Édouard Manet - Effect of Snow at Petit-Montrouge 1870
Effect of Snow at Petit-Montrouge 1870
61x50cm oil/canvas
National Museum of Wales, Amgueddfa Cymru, Wales, UK
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From National Museum of Wales:
A view of the church of Saint-Pierre at Petit-Montrouge, a Paris suburb. It is inscribed: â mon ami H. Charlet 28 Xbre 1870. Charlet is as yet unidentified but may have been a comrade, as Manet saw service during the siege of Paris in the winter of 1870-71. He wrote to his wife 'My soldier's knapsack serves...to hold everything necessary for painting. I shall soon start some sketches from life. They will be souvenirs that will one day have value.' This snow scene is one of Manet's earliest works painted out of doors.