Caravaggio - Christ on the Mount of Olives 1605
Christ on the Mount of Olives 1605
154x222cm oil/canvas
Destroyed, formerly Gemäldegalerie Berlin
The image is only being used for informational and educational purposes
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The subject is the episode related in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 26), when Jesus and his disciples went up to the Mount of Olives outside Jerusalem on the night when Christ was arrested; Jesus goes apart to pray, and returns to find the disciples sleeping. He awakens Peter with the rebuke, "What, would none of you stay awake with me one hour? Stay awake, and pray that you may be spared the test, for the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Judas then arrives with the Roman soldiers, and Christ's pointing finger seems to indicate their approach. The other two figures are St John (centre) and St James.